Monday, August 31, 2015

Be with it, whatever it is.

Summertime in England, Van Morrison

"It ain't why, it just is."

There is always so much to accept in life.  Accept who you are, your gifts and skills, your limitations, the skills and limitations of your partner. Accept the children you have (or don't have). Accept your body, your face, your family of origin, your birthrights (or lack of birthrights). Accept your shallowness, your complexities, your courage and your fearfulness.

To be clear, acceptance and 'settling' are in no way synonymous in my mind.  It is rather an acknowledgment that what is, is.  In this moment, this is the truth.   Don't fear honesty with yourself of with anyone else.  Honesty and authenticity are the most important tools you have towards your true path. Being honest about whatever is true in your life is the challenge and root of a meaningful life. Neither gratitude nor purposeful change can come from any other place.  Spend all your energy getting *with* whatever is true in your life.  Spend zero energy resisting it. Let it all wash over your. KNOW it, feel it, accept it. Trust that when you look at all you see with honesty and clarity, you will have the strength, courage, compassion and wisdom to feel gratitude, and to change things that need changing.

I hope this moment, right now, today, is a moment in which you can breathe, be truthful, accept what is, and maybe rock out to some amazingly brilliant Van Morrison.

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