Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Create what you wish to see

This has come up a lot lately so I thought I would try to get it down on 'paper'. When you feel like you are injured in some way, or hurt by another person, I have a suggestion.  Instead of trying to retaliate and make them feel as you feel, or carrying anger which corrodes all, try to create what you wish for.

If your husband is ignoring your needs, instead of ignoring his, become what you wish he would be.  Open your heart, ask about his day, look in his eyes.  By your kindness, inspire calm connection and trust that you will get what you need.

Create the energy you want to see.

This is one way to be the change you wish to see in the world.

Meditation for today:
Today I will create the energy I wish to see all around me. Today I will change my world.