Monday, July 25, 2011

The Biggest Part of the Job

Another firmly held belief I have is that when our children are going through challenging times, it is not a poor reflection on our parenting - we are not meant to put ourselves in between our children and their lives. Rather, we should ask ourselves, "What unique gift to I have that I could bring to bear on this situation?" or, said another way, "Why would the Universe have given me THIS child, with THIS journey? What it is about me that makes me the perfect match for this small human being with these specific struggles?"

If you can find the answer to that question, then even in the most difficult times, you can find a way to make a positive contribution.

It is such an honor, an almost overwhelming sense of being entrusted, to parent someone. To parent someone in their most challenging times is doubly so. It lets you know that the Universe trusted you to fine TRUTH even in difficulty. If you instead look at your child's struggles as a criticism of YOU, you miss the opportunity to lend a calm and guiding hand to the child with which the Universe entrusted you.


  1. I just re-read this and realized I said 'should'. That's dumb, sorry. My next post will be about how many mistakes I make :)

  2. Albert Einstein said: " in the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity". I think you and Al are onto something! Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us!
