Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Marriage and the Divine

I spend a lot of time thinking about marriage.  For me, marriage is one of the ways I am able to connect with the Divine.  No, I don't mean that my husband is my God (though he is extremely awesome). I mean that, like prayer or standing at the Grand Canyon, being in the presence of the love that can grow in marriage is humbling, and gives me a glimmer of the Universal love that is God.

So, when I hear about wives and husbands missing the opportunity to feel each other's love, I feel very sad.  Connecting with love is the greatest joy in life!  Have you ever shrugged your husband off when he approaches you with intimacy?  Have you ever rolled your eyes when your wife wants to talk something through with you (do I even have ONE male reader??)? That is equivalent to saying to God, "talk to the hand!" 

I heard a great thing on the radio the other day.  I was listening to a lecture by a minister and he said, "God's favorite mouthpiece is your spouse, so listen carefully when they talk."

My commitment in my marriage is to keep the pathway for love wide-open.  Receive love with gratitude, give love with passion.

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