Saturday, March 26, 2016

Authenticity is the spice of life

There is a joke quote in my family - "Consistency is the spice of life." They are quoting me.  As an anxious Virgo, I said that once in all seriousness.  And I really believe it!  Consistency is rare and adds something to life that is otherwise changeable and unpredictable.  But I have a new twist on that oft-mocked quote: Authenticity is the spice of life.

This new twist comes out of something that has been happening to me in the last year or two (full-disclosure, I am 41 1/2 so it may be a 40's thing). I am weary of all before and afters, I don't want to see any more make-overs, and I don't want tips like this one I just read in a woman's magazine about how to organize your mudroom: "Children should each have a labelled basket for each sport easily accessible." I wish I could generate in writing the tone of my reaction to that.  It goes something like this: Oh SHOULD they?! Because A. my children SHOULD be doing multiple sports, B. my children SHOULD have their lives managed for them C. I SHOULD have a mud-room big enough for this nonsense D. I SHOULD feel inadequate with a bunch of hangers and a few messy get my point.  The truth is, I DO have a mud-room with a cubby for each kid and it makes it easier for me to put that crap away.  But the idea that anyone would take that stupid advice and feel bad about their parenting or their home makes me cringe.

So I say forget parenting advice, forget home improvement before and afters, forget 'change your life in 30 days' and remember this: being you is your first and only job. Helping your kids learn about being them is your next job (assuming you have kids - if you don't then YOU know what your second job is! I can't tell you that because I'm not here to give you or anyone advice!)  Relax into it.  Or don't.  In fact, if stressing out about it all makes you feel more authentic, them by all means, indulge.  Just do your own damn thing.

And, if you want to see someone doing their own damn thing for all the world to see, watch this Bernie Sanders video and cry your eyes out like I did when I watched it.

Anyone who can be that authentic for his whole damn life gets my vote.

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