I've been coming into the realization that one of the biggest jobs/challenges of managing a busy household is taking responsibility for the energy in which we all live. I have switched from being energetically reactive, to be energetically creative and responsible. As I have transitioned into this new role, I have also become aware of non-direct ways in which I was formerly trying to mitigate the energy of others in our group. For example, if my husband was annoyed and told one of the kids off, I would go to him and try to cool him down, and would then offer the child some sort of comfort. But, as I am taking a more active role in generating a cool and calm household energy, I realize this kind of behind-the-scenes negotiating is counter to my overall goal. My overall goal is that we each learn to live together, and learn to be responsible for our own impact.
I am exploring different ways in which I can create a positive environment without inadvertently undermining the process. Some of these I have already discussed in this blog. One new addition to our house is a bevy of salt lamps. I know these aren't new news, but they are newly being used in our house. Since placing them by each person's bed, we have each noticed a deeper sleep, and more dream recollection.
The next challenge on my list is to gather legitimate information about the impact of ELF waves, and ways to decrease this impact. Lest you think I've totally lost the plot, take a look here, and here. At the least, it is something still to be considered. Also, as we add more and more devices to our homes and lives, taking reasonable safety measures is definitely warranted. I'll let you know how my research goes!